Monday, May 18, 2009

Spa day, is a special day!

Last week my little sister Phyllis turned 21. So in honor of such an auspicious occasion my other sister Lisa and I treated her to a relaxing spa day. I love going to the spa, I always come out so relaxed and at one with the world. It is so nice to be pampered and taken care of, and there is nothing like that delicious tiredness that comes from doing nothing but relaxing.

Well, since my fancy financial planning classes tell me that going to the spa every week is not a smart use of mah muney - I have been trying to come up with what you could call (roll eyes up and then right to left), DIY spa treatments. Here goes...

*Sauna Treatment*

Now since sitting in the sauna is basically sitting in a really, really, dry, hot space - this is one of the easier treatments to replicate. All you need to do is park your car somewhere in the direct sun (I suggest the Kalahari desert) and let it sit there and preheat for about 6 hours. Once the car has reached the approximate internal temperature of 160F, you are all set!

As quickly as possible open the door and hop in so the heat doesn't have a chance to escape. You will probably be a little...uncomfortable at first, but just relax and embrace the heat, allow it to work its magic and focus on sweating out all your toxins. Voila! A near authentic spa treatment that didn't cost a dime.

Well that's all I've got for now but stay tuned, there's more on the way.


Shem said...

only one question...

Who cleans the car seats?

wendybird said...

Did I miss the part where you strip down to a towel outside the car before getting inside?

Also, my car doesn't smell like cedar. I think that would be missed. No on really makes a good cedar air freshener to hang from the rear-view. . .

the lunch lady said...

shem ....
