Friday, April 24, 2009

"This time, like all times, is a very good one, if we but know what to do with it." -Ralph Waldo Emerson


Well it happened again.

Try as I might to prevent such atrocity the days, weeks, and years keep passing and then, every now and again, my odometer trips up a number, and I'm not going to lie to you; today's number has thrown me for a bit of a loop.


I don't feel shame or embarrassment in revealing the troubling number - I don't think I have attained that level quite yet - it is more a feeling of: soooo...ummmm...well...ya...

Do you know what I mean? Probably not because I am not making sense - I just have this overwhelming feeling of "ok, what now?"

Well the realization that I am now one more year older has thrown me into exactly 3.5 minutes of serious reflection about birthdays in general (I intended to go a full 5 minutes but all of the sudden I was distracted by a loud humming and burning smell emanating from my brain, so I thought it best to stop while I was ahead) and this is the conclusion I have come to:

Wait for it...

I have no conclusion.

But the presents are nice! Meet my new baby!

My mother understands me in a deep cosmic way. Isn't it pretty? Well for those of you who are currently shaking your heads and thinking: "Wow, that girl's got problems." - don't worry, I am so aware of it. ;)

Saturday, April 4, 2009

I am the Jedi Master of procrastination.

I am not even kidding, this is truth - fact even.

But before I go any further I must pay homage to my brilliant sensei.

He taught me well. (P.s. I chose the younger, Ewan McGregor version - I don't think I really need to explain why.)

So here it is the last week of classes; I have papers and projects up the wazoo and what did I do this weekend? I will tell you: NOTHING!

Okay, that isn't exactly true - I had a plan, and I did do a lot...just not things that I really needed to do. This weekend I: went grocery shopping, did laundry, did my nails (fingers and toes), cleaned out my email inbox, cleaned off my computer desktop, cleaned my bathroom, cleaned the kitchen - and then promptly dirtied it again, cooked Sunday dinner...the list goes on.

I told you I had skills.

It's okay to be jealous.